Pokémon Fire Burn BETA V1.1

Name : Pokémon Fire Burn Remake By : Sakib66 Remake From : Pokémon Fire Red Description : Hi Guys! Today I present to you one of the greatest(!) hack of all time, Pokemon FIreburn which is based on Pokemon Firered V1.0. All we've done is changed Kanto region's classic storyline and also added new regions! Now it's time to defeat every Gym Leaders, clear the Trials, catch every pokemon, reveal every secrets and of course be the Champion!! Storyline : Play to find out yourself... Features : * 4 regions: Kanto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Alola * All Pokémons from Gen 1 to 7 * Mega evolution * Updated graphics( as much as possible) * Fairy types * New moves and abilities * New Items * Reuseable TMs * Running Indoors * Forgetable HMs * BW repel system * Poison survival * Hidden grotos (Like Black2/White2!) * Lot of side quest * EV training routes * Day and Night[ * Physical/Special/Status Spilt (With Icons) * ...